
On behalf of the Organising Committee for the 24th International Conference of Racing Analysts and Veterinarians (ICRAV) to be held in Melbourne, Australia from Saturday 28 - Saturday 7 March 2026, welcome to the official website.

As the pre-eminent conference for our industry, known for the breadth of scientific presentations and workshops, we are looking forward to hosting ICRAV2026 in Melbourne, the home of racing in Australia. Over the next year we will provide all the information you require to make sure you plan to join us for ICRAV2026.

See you in Melbourne next February!

David Batty
Chair, ICRAV2026 Organising Committee

Latest Announcement

Dear AORC and IGSRV members,

The Organising Committee is pleased to announce that ThermoFisher Scientific will be our Platinum Sponsor for the 24th International Conference of Racing Analysts & Veterinarians, in Melbourne in 2026. We thank them, and the other Companies who have already pledged their support.

We are also pleased announce that the draft conference program is now available to review on the ICRAV26 website.

The Program will include optional workshops on Friday 27 February 2026, prior to the conference:

  • Investigative testing of miscellaneous materials presented by Sean Yamada and the RASL Research & Development Team.

  • Use of robotic platforms for high-through put sample preparation presented by Dr Rohan Steel, Stewart Willers and the RASL Biological Research Unit.

  • Harnessing the Power of Technology – Technology and devices used by Regulatory Veterinarians presented by Dr Grace Forbes and the Racing Victoria Veterinary Department.

Further details of workshops will be available prior to the opening of registrations, as places will be strictly limited.

Remember to save these dates for 2026, as ICRAV is the perfect opportunity to network with international colleagues and stay up to date with the latest in drug testing research and animal welfare. We look forward to welcoming you to Melbourne in 2026.

Best regards,

David Batty
Chair, ICRAV Melbourne 2026 Organising Committee


RASL is delighted to be hosting ICRAV 2026 in Melbourne, Australia. Here’s 5 top reasons why ICRAV 2026 is a must-attend.

Racing is a major industry in Australia, where we enjoy Thoroughbred, Harness and Greyhound racing.

Maintaining integrity is vital to the racing industry, so the relationships between racing veterinarians, racing stewards and drug testing laboratories are critical to protecting animal welfare and the reputation of racing.

ICRAV is the perfect opportunity to network with international colleagues and stay up to date with the latest in animal welfare and drug testing research, in a warm and friendly Australian setting.

Melbourne is Australia’s home of racing – and the world famous Melbourne Cup.

RASL is Australia’s largest racing drug testing laboratory, performing analysis of samples from all 3 racing codes.